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Pulsing HeartWell it’s that time again. The new ‘Theme‘ has arrived!!

“Wait. Theme? Shane, what theme? What are you talking about?”

Aaah. For those of you who are new to Dare To Evolve:

– Here’s the premise behind it: What’s Your Theme?
– Here is last year’s theme as an example: Unleash the Gifts

After about 7 years of this being a more formalized process for myself, they now just slap me upside the head when they get here. And this one did so a few weeks ago as I was settling into the Christmas holiday.

The theme this round is: Amplify the ‘Beat’
The fuelling Quality is: Faith

I don’t always understand exactly how the overarching theme is meant to play out. Nor do I know exactly why the particular, primary quality that ‘attaches’ itself to said theme is the one I need to focus on and develop. But as it comes to a close, with the next theme opening up before me, I am always amazed, though no longer surprised, at just how significant it was (and how eerily accurate to what I needed).

Take Unleash the Gifts for example. It can seem like a pretty fiery, forceful, “tear my shirt away to reveal the ‘Big S’ underneath as I prepare to rocket into the sky” kind of theme. Yet to move in that direction, having just spent the previous year peeling off old crusty layers, I had to find Acceptance.

  • Acceptance of what I couldn’t change.
  • Acceptance of a major shift along my path, from a direction I thought I was moving.
  • Acceptance that I disappointed and ‘failed’ people close to me and there is nothing I can do to ‘fix’ that.
  • Acceptance that the way I had been operating the last 20 years had run its course and was no longer useful or effective.
  • Acceptance that making anything happen by the sheer force of my will has its limitations.
  • Acceptance that to make any continued progress, I had to come to a near stand still (and that I had no control over this steps timeline).
  • Acceptance that, as ‘open’ as  like to think I am, I was inadvertently blocking myself from receiving higher degree’s of energy and assistance beyond anything I could generate on my own.

Only through this process have I been actually coming into closer connection with my Gifts. Only through this process have I discovered and connected to means that will more effectively unleash them.

Now with the new theme; Amplify the ‘Beat’, it feels like it is time to feed and amplify the signal. The name for this theme comes from a concept I shared in, Healing the Heart Starts Here:

“…if we as a whole are the heart [of the world], then we as individuals are each a “beat”. No matter how strong our individual beat is, a single one will not keep the heart going. It needs every beat to pulse with the energy of life. But if we do not each provide our “beat” to its greatest potential, we rob the whole.”

felix-jumpAnd the quality that has ‘attached’ itself (an intuitive acknowledging of what stands out as the quality I need to develop in conjunction with the theme)  is Faith. Faith:

  • a deeper trust in that which is unknowable, unmeasurable.
  • a willingness to not be in control.
  • to see through the heart even more, rather than through the lens of the world.
  • to accept and act with less hesitation based on pure belief, rather than proof or reason alone.

Developing and holding a greater degree of Faith, that by focusing on amplifying my ‘beat’, which is to be of assistance to all of you in amplifying yours, it will contribute what it is meant to, to the ‘Heart’ has a whole.

Man! Just when I think I’ve got a handle on this, I get shown just how much deeper I can go (if we are doing it right, it should probably always be feeling like this 😉 ).

Don’t let another year go by. Another month or day. Another minute.
Dare to go deeper now. Start.
No matter how insignificant or daunting it may feel. Take the next step now.

What is YOUR theme? What quality/virtue stands out as that which is meant to accompany and fuel it?

How will you amplify your ‘beat’ this year?

Dare To Evolve,

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.

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