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Continued from Apple-Pip of Her Eye, the story of The Apple-Pip Princess draws to a close:

Darkness fell, and Serenity was tired and despondent. With tears in her eyes, she opened the wooden box one last time and released the burst of nightingale song among the branches of the tiny apple tree.

With the beautiful sound filling their ears, Serenity and Joseph fell into an exhausted sleep.

Early the next morning, the king appeared – it was time to make his decision. Suzanna called to him from the top of her tower.

‘Father, Father – look at this tower! Surely it’s the tallest tower you’ve ever seen. I should definitely be the one to rule the kingdom!’

But the king shivered in the shadow that the huge tower cast.

‘Father, Father – look at me!’ called Miranda from the top of her tower. ‘Isn’t this the most beautiful tower you have ever seen? I should rule the kingdom!’

But the king was blinded by the shiny tower flashing in the sun.

The king looked around for his youngest daughter, but she was nowhere to be seen. He walked outside the palace walls and found Serenity and Joseph lying asleep on the ground. He woke them gently.

‘Oh, Father, I’m so sorry….’ Serenity began, but the king took her by the shoulders and turned her around.

As far as her eyes could see, there were plants and trees – fruit, olive, and nut trees, all fresh and green in the early morning sunshine. Serenity and her father walked slowly, arm in arm.

The air was full of the scent of flowers, and all around them children were playing. People were picking fruit and tending the trees, and the old people were resting in the dappled shade.

The old king felt his poor unhappy heart fill with warmth again as all his sadness drifted away on the breeze.

‘Serenity, my Serenity,’ he said. ‘You shall rule the kingdom! For you have transformed the land and made it blossom again.’

But what of Suzanna and Miranda, you ask? Well, if Suzanna stood at the very top of her creaking tower, on tiptoe in her scarlet shoes, and reached as high as she could, she could nearly touch the moon.

And if Miranda balanced on the very top turret of her shiny tower, she could nearly touch the stars.

But after a while, each began to feel rather lonely. Then they heard the sound of laughter and birdsong floating up on the breeze.

So they climbed down and joined the king, Serenity, Joseph, and everyone else sitting under the trees.

As day faded into night, the three princesses lay down in the grass and listen to the magical sound of the nightingale’s song.”

The source of happiness for Serenity came when she focused her efforts towards helping those around her. Even though she was doing it because she’d been given a task by her father, to see whether she was was fit to rule the kingdom, her expression of that task came in the form of bettering the lives of others. Not only did she discover happiness, plentifulness, love and “wealth” for herself, she assisted others to find it as well, by providing the opportunity to help each other.

Amazing how obvious and clear that comes across in a story for children.

If you’re in search for that elusive happiness, that sense of purpose in your life, perhaps reflect on how much, in your lives and occupations, being of service to others plays a role. You may just find a key to a long elusive door.

Dare to Evolve,

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.

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