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By Richard Hastings

richard dream

Welcome to Dreamwork.

When you fall asleep at night, your body and mind go through a series of cycles intended to give you rest and recovery for the next day. At the same time, your spirit or your true self, goes off on various types of journeys when you are in your deepest periods of sleep to further your evolution as a human being.

The dream journey is connected to your body and mind, but also detached from it. You remember the dream in your mind and feel emotions from it in your body. But the purpose of the experience is always to help you grow as a human being by acquiring new capacities.

All of us as human beings are in a constant relationship with our bodies to get stronger, faster, more flexible, last longer, and be more coordinated. We just want to be at our peak and not have to face sore muscles, incapacitating injuries or illnesses. We miss it so much when our bodies are not able to act to our fullest potential. But since we are human beings, we all have weaknesses. Without them we would never know where we need to grow.

Dreamwork is about using the messages you get in your dreams at night so that you develop your inner self and your physical capacities. A useful way to think about your dreams, is that they originate in your body. When you first start the work, your dreams will begin in the weakest part of your body. For instance, your dreams may be in your knees or in your neck. They may be in your lungs or your achilles or your shoulders. Wherever you are weak, they will be there.

sore_knee_dreamHow does it work? If you have knee problems, which are the most common for people, you may have issues around flexibility. This is usually because of trying to control things too much. The dreams will show you in a metaphoric manner where the issue is, like where your fear is. Then you can overcome the weakness and develop the body part as well as the virtue such as being more flexible in your life.


When people start this process, they usually have long standing recurring injury problems. They are almost always related to the family they grew up in and how that family interacted in its cultural surroundings. For instance, if you have had an absent father, you probably will face some kind of back problems because of the lack of support. When you do the work to give yourself more emotional support and then do the corresponding physical work to strengthen your back, then you get amazing growth, in every way, in your life.

flying dreamMost of the work begins with negative emotions, usually fear, because most of us do not have methods for working through our difficult problems. Especially handling complicated emotions. However, there are also dreams that are strictly positive such as flying dreams. Flying dreams are related mainly to your lungs because they are about being in the air. When you get a positive dream and know where it is related in your body, then it means that that type of exercise movement is open and ready to really develop.

You can start the dreamwork fairly simply and easily. If you are doing a program like Clubbell Flow Evolution, you can notice which movements are the most difficult for you. This is where your dream will be.

You can write me, tell me what kind of program you are doing, where your difficulties are along with a current dream, and then I can point out some solutions for doing the developmental work. If you can’t remember a dream, which is also common, that is great information for me related to the difficulties.

“Lets Go Flow!”

RichardHastingsBioRichard Hastings has been doing dream work since 1989 including authoring the book, Dreams for Peace. He has traveled to theU.S., Canada, South America, and South East Asia doing dream meetings and personal change work. His approach is solution oriented so that the participant is left not only with an analysis of the meaning of the dream, but also a solution. He has listened to several thousand dreams since he began. For a free dream interpretation, contact Richard at:


  • Kathy Lucas says:

    Richard, I’m so very excited to learn more about your work! Keep posting! This work is a fantastic addition to Dare to Evolve. Thanks!

  • Richard says:

    I knew the phsycial injuries were often connected to our emotional issues. But I never connected our dreams being part of the mind-body loop. I really do need to journal my dreams.

    Thanks for the great post.

    • Richard says:

      It is even more effective if you can journal both your dreams and your emotions, especially the negative emotions because when you release them a new wave of energy appears.

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