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Our “inner voice” is immensely powerful. It comes in two frequency’s, with two seemingly opposing messages. In reality, however, two sides of the same coin. One from the head, one from the heart. But one overshadow’s the other. It’s smooth talking, very rational and knows every self-preservation button to push. It’s influence is old, dating back to our very beginnings. It is the voice that nullifies, decreasing the instances of risk-taking…..or perceived risk-taking. Thus ensuring survival.

Only, we no longer live in an age where the basic necessities for survival are barely available. We have every means to move beyond survive. We have every means to truly THRIVE!

Much of the perceived risk-taking is only the risk of standing out (previously a guarantee of being spotted by something that wants to eat you). But to truly tap into each of our unique gifts, that which only we can bring the value of to the world, standing out comes as a direct result.

The motivation, the drive and the inspiration comes from the other side of that coin. It’s power draws from the very emanating source of creation. It is alive, passionate and creative. It is also very sensitive. And despite its incredible strength and power to transform everything around it, it takes great effort to nurture it, to encourage it, to release it. To fuel it’s blazing fire with confidence means overcoming our deep rooted, genetic instinct to survive.

The fire of our life is at our beck and call, ready to spring forth. We need just embrace our desire to thrive and ignite….

Dare to Evolve,

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • Ryan says:

    Absolutely loved the video, awesome job. Terri and I thought it rocked!!!


  • Dusty says:

    Shane, you continue to amaze and inspire. You visually brought to life the feeling of that internal struggle that so many of us have gone through (or are going through) to break a pattern or move forward, to Evolve.

    Keep up the great work!


    • daretoevolve says:

      Thanks Dusty:) I think most of us are actually facing the very same challenges (just slightly “customized” individually of course ;)) and by speaking to those that are faced personally, it resonates and speaks personally to many.

      And the more we can speak to it and the more there are who can connect to it, the greater the inertia we create to induce a gravitational force strong that we can’t help but take action and….evolve. 🙂

      Thans again,

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