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laird-hamilton-teahpoo1For those of you who have been following along over at Gym Jane, you know that, about once a year, I have a new theme that I focus on, an all encompassing vision. These “theme’s” are not preemptive or intellectually derived. It takes on it’s new shape in it’s own good time and then slaps me across the face with it, because I’ll be honest, that’s what it’s feels like every time it hits me.

Last year was “Riding Giants” coupled with developing the quality of Joyfulness . And it was funny, because as I was going through it, it didn’t feel like I was getting to ride very big waves (isn’t it always the way). At least not to the level of magnitude I’d felt they would be.

Then in January I was passing through Chapters and a surf magazine caught my eye as I passed the stand. In it was an article wherein the interviewer said within a year he would return to surf some big waves with Laird Hamilton, which he did. As they were heading out, Laird told him, in the beginning, you don’t try to catch a wave. You ride the wave as it comes to you. And after one, you count your blessings and call it a day. You don’t try to catch more, because then you’re just getting greedy and bad things happen when you get greedy.

Hmm….I’d just launched my own business, 100% self-employed. And I was needing to take the steps to laying a strong foundation, part of which was becoming a Circular Strength Training Instructor (which you actually need to work at). Okay, caught one. Count your blessings. Don’t get greedy.

down the tubeWaves of any size, let alone big ones, can’t be created at will. Surfers are constantly on the lookout and ride them as they come. They hold no power over what the ocean generates. The only power they hold is the extent to which they prepare themselves, that they might be ready to meet the gifts being presented. The best wave riders in the world are evidence of that.

So, building on the capacities to ride the ever larger waves presenting themselves. Only this time, fostering the quality of Humility as I do so. Because the larger they get, the more apparent it becomes that they are, in fact, gifts. And only in accepting them as such will one not only successfully complete the ride, but gain all they are meant to, from the ride itself.

Dare To Evolve,

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • johanna says:

    love this post! perfect timing~~ ride the wave.

  • daretoevolve says:

    And by the looks of it, you’re building up to ride some mega ones, Johanna! And if any one can, you most certainly fit the bill:).

    Look forward to hearing more as it unfolds!

  • Celestia says:

    Glad you are still posting. Was telling my bro-in-law about your sites (and have sent him the links) which made me start reading them again. Always an inspiration Shane! Always! 🙂

  • daretoevolve says:

    Thanks Celest! Glad it connects in some way for ya:) Keep challenging those perceived boundaries.

  • meagz says:

    “It takes on it’s new shape in it’s own good time and then slaps me across the face with it, because I’ll be honest, that’s what it’s feels like every time it hits me.”

    it’s like..we’re related or something…y’know? does it ever feel like that to you or am I just trying to share a toothbrush with you here?

  • daretoevolve says:

    Too many toothbrush’s shared over far too many years for us not too be:). Embrace the slap, Meg, embrace it.


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