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Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • Alan says:

    This video series is great Shane and they are all hitting a spot with me because I am currently in a rut and letting go can be difficult.

    To me, this goes a bit beyond just the rock, but the ego that is attached to making a decision and seeing that this decision was the wrong one. It’s feeling that I wasted my time following a path I decided to take that ended up being the wrong one.

    So, letting go can be very difficult sometimes and this makes “pushing on” even more challenging, as if I was dragging this weight that is only pulling me down instead of being propelled up and doubt settles in and I start looking around to “greener pastures”.

    But one thing you said really stuck with me “it’s not the wrong mountain, just not the right rock”.

    It’s like I’m facing a boulder that I am trying to lift. Instead of simply climb over it or go around it or find a different path, I remain stuck in the squat trying to lift the boulder.

    It’s time to let go of all of this, learn this lessons of the past and move on.

    Thanks for these great motivational videos.


    • daretoevolve says:

      Alan, you are most welcome my man! This is really great to hear. Thanks a ton for sharing. By doing so we all get a little closer to owning the underlying message and most importantly, applying it to our life to create the changes towards the life we want to live, the life we absolutely deserve to live.

      All it takes is a small step the instigate an evolution in our lives to the next stage of what lies within. And you’re taking a BIG one!

      All the best,

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