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Over this last summer it was interesting to observe a similarity that I was seeing in many “Huge Success’s” I was coming across. Most of them found themselves with only 50 cents in their pocket and were homeless. No literally, this appears to be, recently anyway, the trend. And then they tell you how they changed it all around and became millionaires. I’m not arguing whether they did or not. Neither do I sit here, resentful of their success. What it caused me to do was come back to reflect on what motivates us. Because they were now selling how you could do the same. And the motivation behind getting there? Money. Even when they flower it in “living the life you want”. Because that picture being described always came back to living a life of leisure, having a huge house, fancy car, etc. Eventually coming full circle to making loads of cash.

The thing is, money as a motivator doesn’t work. If it did, we’d all be bazilionaires. Who it works for are those who use it to push our “desire” buttons. Our desires of having what we’re being told is the ideal life. Our desire, that constant pull back, to being comfortable and not working so hard. To having more but doing less. But do we really want to be doing less? Or is it we just want to be doing less of the daily “grind” that doesn’t fulfill us? We associate having more with being happy. But perhaps we misconstrue “more” for material consumption and gain. When in reality, we want more of what feeds the fire deep within us. Feeding our inspiration, our creativeness, the expression of our gifts, our sense of purposefulness, our contribution to those around us and living this life of ours to the utmost.

Yet we keep getting sold on “make your millions” to live the life you want. Funny how we keep pouring what money we have into it. But for what? Because for most of us, making money, as an end, doesn’t hold true value for us. It doesn’t provide the intrinsic motivation to create that success or wealth. Otherwise we wouldn’t sputter out so quick in our efforts.

To get to that place where success (and whatever wealth is associated with it) is generated, we need that motivating force that will have us pushing, driving and hungry to make it happen. We all love the panoramic view from the mountaintop. But we don’t get to that view without having that challenging climb before us. Something far greater than the ineffectiveness of material wealth, which in this case would be akin to having the newest climbing gear, but never starting the ascent. It’s cool to wear for a bit, but when you don’t use it for any good reason, it quickly loses it’s appeal and we are then once again in search of the next “hit”. Let’s face it, whenever we overcome a great challenge, we feel the exhilaration of true accomplishment, because in the process we overcame perceived limitations and obstacles that is likened to being freed from self-imposed chains and fetters. There was meaningful purpose behind what we were able to do, even if just on a personal level.

I have run my own business, Gymnos Evolution, for nearly 2 years now. It has been the sole source of income for my family and I. It has been a tough slog. And yet at any point where it felt hard and like there was no “financial” gains being made, in fact perhaps seeing a decline, it also simultaneously showed immense promise and signs of growth on a whole other level. The vision of the business continued to expand, the building of my  Team around me continued to expand, the recognition and acceptance of the value I brought to others(not just by others but by myself as well) continued to expand. So plug away I went. And behind it all was my motivating reason. It was my commitment to being a part of bettering the lives of those I serve. Of providing the opportunities for us to grow as individuals and as a community. This is what drives me, stokes my fire, has meaning, gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment in my day to day life. With everything I have faced over the last 2 years and the sacrifices my family have made in support of it, there’s no way I would have stuck around for the money. It wouldn’t have meant enough to do so (despite the fact that we “needed” it).

And about 8 weeks ago, I found myself at the very bottom of bottom, financially. The lowest I have ever been. We were already well below zero and about to go into the realm of nothingness. We were already approaching rock bottom when I went to California to attend the CST Head Coach and TACFIT Team Leader Certifications with RMAX International. I actually found an arrangement that allowed me to return collected bottles to help cover the cost. Now this is TABOO to talk about your financial situation. Especially if you want to present a “front” of being at the top of your game. There’s this notion that people think if you are financially unsuccessful, then there is no value to what you have to offer, because you have no money. Yet at this point of being financially the lowest I’ve ever been, with a wife and two boys to support, I was feeling MORE SUCCESSFUL in my business and MORE FULFILLED in my work than I ever have in my life. And this is why I share. I don’t care what others perceive about me to be true or not. I care about the honesty I pour into my process, into my growth and into the service I provide others. And if my example can help show the skewed correlation between success and money, than it has served it’s purpose.

Does that mean I don’t need to make money or learn how to do it better? Well no. There’s obviously much I still have to learn. 🙂 But the importance is that it is not my motivating drive. Even at that state, I had no thoughts of quitting. I had no thoughts of doom and gloom. Okay, maybe a little bit of gloom, but otherwise, just as focused as ever. All thoughts were honed in on “how do I make it work?” What actions do I need to take, that I have not been taking? Where do I need to grow. How do I need to grow?  And therein lies the power of finding your purpose behind what you do. Finding your motivation with Mmmphhh! It’s what gets you through the dicey spots to the panoramic view. So if you find yourself feeling sucked into being sold on “make your millions to live the life you want”, perhaps start thinking rather about living the life you want, so the millions can flow in. And the life you want being driven by what is truly important to you, allowing you to find purposefulness in it, to connect to the heart of who you are and the gifts you have to share with the world.

I’d meant to write this post 8 weeks ago, in the midst of it all, to see how it all turned out. Wouldn’t you know it if I’ve been too busy to do so, because the floodgates of opportunities have opened and I am now facing the most financially successful period of happily running my own, very fulfilling, business.

Dare to Evolve,

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • Well Shane – you hit the nail on the head – again. This part:

    “So if you find yourself feeling sucked into being sold on “make your millions to live the life you want”, perhaps start thinking rather about living the life you want, so the millions can flow in.”

    Some of the best advice anyone could ever receive.

    • daretoevolve says:

      Thanks John. I think more and more this is coming to our collective understanding. Not the misinterpretation ( I feel anyway) of the “law of attraction”. The idea that we focus on what we want and it will come to us, because somehow that still keeps being related to money and material wealth.

      Rather focusing and pouring our energy into our passion, into what drives us, connecting to all that is available that way, THEN everything we need is drawn to us to help us realize that end. Then TRUE wealth springs forth, some of it monetary, but most of it in experiencing a fulfilling life.

      Here’s to the next evolution! 😉

  • Alan says:

    Hi Shane,

    I can totally relate to what you are saying. I’ve started my own engineering firm (water treatment system… quick plug if anybody is interested) in 2008.

    It was tough to detach myself from the financial aspects of things especially in slow months, but what kept me going wasn’t the potential I could make, but the vision I had for my family, company and myself. That vision goes beyond just making money. I envision that we will make a difference in the world, but encouraging the industry and the general population to take care of their water, to use it wisely and efficiently to save our planet’s most sacred resource as it will be necessary for future generation. I envision how my company will make breakthroughs on developing new technology to achieve this first goal with minimal impact on the environment. How we will be come a recognized authority in the field and hopefully, help change policies to make the world a better place.

    I listened to Coach Sonnon most recent radio interview and he said something that really stuck to me “that people are stuck on the illusion and one has to detach themselves of the end result in order to succeed” and I agree with that completely.

    Sometimes, we become so narrow-minded to getting to one place that we forget that there might be opportunities that may land us somewhere else that might be even better than expected.

    Anyway… I’m blabbing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I bookmarked this post so I can revisit it in a later date.


    • daretoevolve says:

      And Alan, thank you for blabbing 😀 It’s these types of conversations we all need to be having. You’re right on the money…hehe, “money”…. because that initial end point may have merely been nudging us in the right direction to pick up the next key ingredient to unearthing our full potential.

      I went from being a conservation officer, to going into school for marine biology and about to join the naval reserves to becoming an actor and eventually a personal trainer and CST Head Coach 🙂 And I can look back and see how each experience in fact helped me grow and develop in such a away that makes what i do now far more effective than if I had gone straight into it.

      When we think about it, if we are dynamic, ever advancing beings, how can we NOT move organically and flow with the developments that come our way. In that context being static seems like the ludicrous thing to do. A model born from an education format that, while necessary at the time, has become irrelevant in this day and age. But that’s a whole other blab session, haha.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

      • Alan says:

        Hi Shane,

        Thanks for answering back.

        I find that most entrepreneurs, real ones, are dreamers but dreamers who take action.

        Half the time, I don’t know what I am doing, I doubt myself and question myself and my decisions. The other half, I ask myself why I doubt myself… 🙂

        All kidding aside, to start a business is tough mentally, physically and it’s also hard on the family and people you love and I must say that a dream can’t come reality if that dream is not shared by your loved ones. For me, this is where the strength and motivation to continue comes from. The support mostly from my wife, who decided with me to take that route and supports me unconditionally. If I didn’t have this support from her, I wouldn’t have started this business.

        Adding to that is the support from my partners, extended family and – oddly enough – suppliers, who are patient and understanding and are “giving me a chance”.

        Thirdly, the support from complete stranger, like you for example, who is willing to open himself up to whomever is ready to listen, to share their wisdom, experience and knowledge. Thanks for that!

        In your comment to John about the “Law of Attraction”. I also on that “boat” for a while, to wish, wish, wish and have nothing in return.

        You wrote:

        “Rather focusing and pouring our energy into our passion, into what drives us, connecting to all that is available that way, THEN everything we need is drawn to us to help us realize that end. Then TRUE wealth springs forth, some of it monetary, but most of it in experiencing a fulfilling life.”

        I believe that this is the key. The passion and will to act. It’s like I keep on telling my partners, we all need to learn how to sell because nobody will represent the company better than us. The client will see the passion and confidence we have in ourselves. Dare I say even the love we have for our business. I am confident that my suppliers see that I am an honest and trustworthy person and for that, they are giving us a chance to be late in our payments and stuff. My accountant waited a whole year to be paid: why? because she believes we’ll get somewhere and her support and patience as been key for us to stay afloat and win projects.

        Once people see the passion in your face, in the way you carry yourself, and if they are kindred spirits, they will help. Even those who wish you to fail will eventually disappear because I believe that passion is much stronger than jealousy and envy and if that passion is true, it will win out in the end.

        Again, me blabbing, but you hit a cord on that one and I simply had to comment.


  • Michael says:

    Thanks for an amazing post. You really put yourself out there.
    I continually return to your blog because I do find it inspirational. I understand your story as my own personal trainer, my nephew, also started his own business for the same reasons – because he wanted to give back to the community, inspire others to be fit and live to their full potential. For awhile I was his only client but he stuck at it, driven by his own very strong beliefs and now, finally, after many years he now has a space where people are desperate to join.
    I can tell that you have a strong personal belief system that drives you because the form you hold in the videos you share is strong yet fluid. Whatever you have on the inside is reflected big time in what you show on the outside. I watch them and use them as somethng to aspire to.
    I’ve yet to find the “thing” that kickstarts my dreams but in the meantime I’ve just restarted Intu-Flow after too long a break. It is a start, just a start, but it’s a crazy journey that is worth taking.
    Thanks again for your blog & videos.
    I can’t wait for this new clubbell thing.

    All the best,

    • daretoevolve says:

      Michael! Thanks for the kind words my man.

      Thanks for sharing your nephew’s story. It always adds glue to the resolve, hearing others do the same. A big part of why I share mine, so that whatever small piece may connect with another, it will add to the glue of theirs. That’s what we do for each other.

      “I’ve yet to find the “thing” that kickstarts my dreams but in the meantime I’ve just restarted Intu-Flow…”

      The fact that you are aware of it and keeping an eye out is a step all unto itself. And funny enough, it often is staring us right in the face, hidden below what we enjoy doing, where we lose all track of time and become fully engaged in the activity. The the thing that we would never think to ask to be paid for it and are happy to do for others, just ’cause, it’s what we do.

      And starting with Intu-Flow is a GREAT start beginning! Yes I’m a personal trainer. But not to help others lose weight or build muscle. I see us as complete beings: physical, spiritual, emotional and mental. And to fully realize our potential requires our growth in every aspect of ourselves. And growth in one effects the others. We live in a physical world and feel everything physical. Because I’m avery physical individual, that is a natural avenue for me to assist my overall growth through. And that is what I pour my energy into. Providing the opportunity for others to connect physically to themselves (which is often easiest because of the immediate, tangible feedback). By doing so sets off a chain reaction into the rest of our lives. That’s what I’m in the business of…changing lives, and serving that end the best way I know how.

      You are starting with Intu-Flow. You are cleaning the slate and going deep. Movement will trigger the kickstart. A great kickstart indeed!

      All the best!

  • Kevin Lee Dougherty says:

    Shane, I always pay homage to such honesty and humbleness expressed wholeheartedly. Respect, man, respect your efforts.
    I quote author Napoleon Hill: “Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”

  • Woody Brister says:


    yet again you were able to almost squeeze a tear out of my eye and finish it up with a giant fist pumping YES!!!

    You truly have a gift for finding ways to motivate those around you wtih your own personal accomplishemnts. You truly are a very gentle soul. I am proud to call a Friend and Coach!

    • daretoevolve says:

      Thank you very much Woody! It’s been an honour to get to know you, have the opportunity to train together and to be on the same Team! Looking forward to many more years of inspiring together:)

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