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Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • I’m sorry, but I was DYING laughing while you were doing those bicep curls. Never thought I’d see the day, Shane. Never thought I’d see the day 🙂

    Impeccable form, btw.

    • s. says:

      Brother, neither did I. ; ) And while it has been a good experience going through this, it will be many, many… many more days before I do them again. If ever. But you never know…

      “Impeccable form, btw.”

      Haha!! Thanks John.

  • Kevin Dougherty says:

    Question, though you are in that “muscle confusion” scheduling format of P90X, are you still sneaking in Intuflow or Prasara yoga, or are you a “Beachbody” man and sticking strictly with the P90X program as designed?

    • s. says:

      I wanted to go through 2 weeks, strictly aligned with the program (meaning no Intu-Flow or Prasara compensation). I wasn’t willing to go the entire 6 weeks without Intu-Flow. This was going to challenge me enough. I can count on 2 hands how many times I’ve missed my daily Intu Flow session since I started nearly 4 years ago.

      I lasted about 3 or 4 days. Not doing it combined with the program itself, I was sounding like tin foil and feeling my body seizing up on me, so I bailed and started incorporating Intu-Flow and Prasara again on top of the program itself.


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