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Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • Bdougie says:

    -In regards to the recovery time that you speak about, staying with the P90X format what & how would you change it to suit your personal & physical liking?

    – Clearly the exercises in P90X are a conventional approach & you align with more of a functional style. In your opinion if someone was after aesthetic changes in body composition do you recommend the P90X program, or do you recommend another program..

    Your Canadian friend, T.O.

    • Bdougie says:

      Love the P90X series by the way!

    • s. says:

      Thanks Brian. : ) Glad there was something there that connected for ya. To answer your questions:

      1. More specific mobility/compensation for the work done. And improved toggling of intensity’s, to allow for the benefit of high intensity training, while taking the required lower intensity recovery days to see the edge of your high intensity days continually pushed higher, without the negative ramifications that comes with specific adaptation to induced demands.

      2. I couldn’t in good conscience recommend P90X for all the aforementioned reason’s.

      I totally understand where you are coming from and it’s a tough grey area to try and find solid purchase in. You are serving folks who come to you, yes to see an improvement in their lives, but primarily to see a physical change (or that’s what they think this desire for change translates into).

      Many of us feel if our physique changes to what we feel is the standard which we hold value, then everything else in our life will change, for the better. It’s a tough position to stand back as a Fitness service that offers the means to physical transformation and then say “but we’re not going to focus on it.” It’s a dichotomy that needs find a voice as only you can express. But it is still your business and means of putting food on the table and roof over your head, so a balance must be found.

      I’ve always said: Do you love someone because they are beautiful (physical), or are they beautiful because you love them. Same idea with the physical transformation. Do you (and others) love yourself more because you have an amazing body, or do you have an amazing body because you (and others) love yourself. Your true self. Focus on the transformation you desire in your life and the body will come. And STICK. For life.

      Programs I would recommend without hesitation:

      1. The Clubbel Evolution programs:

      *(and not just because they are mine. : ) But because they are designed specifically to what I have spoken to and the results that continue to pour in from folks leaves no doubt in my mind to their effectiveness, both physically and in support of the life transformations they truly desire.

      2. If you don’t yet have Clubbells, a great body-weight program is TACFIT Commando.

      *I didn’t see a significant physical change with P90X, though I wasn’t going hardcore with my diet either, but after I finished, I started in on one of the TACFIT programs. After 2 weeks my wife said “What happened? You all of a sudden went (hands widening at my shoulders) and (hands narrowing at my waist).” I smiled with a sigh of warm satisfaction (after 2 months with P90X)… “TACFIT.”

      3. If you have Kettlebells, though I have yet to thoroughly put myself through either of them, I knowing what they are, what’s behind them and worked with them enough to easily recommend:

      Kettlebell Spetznaz:



      All the best!

  • STEVE says:

    Bdougie…I dont believe it is about P90X being conventional because it really is old and outdated mentality. I think its how you get to where you want to go. Do you want to end up with injury then postponing a workout session? Or do you want to keep going knowing your the chance of injury is less. I would sooner end up where you want to be with no injuries.

    Train for how you intend to live. If you want to curl a dumbell then practice curling a dumbell and you will be great. But if you want to be able to have true strength and a very sold feeling and ultimate control…heed what Shane is saying.

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