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Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.

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  • Brent Toon says:

    After a nice workout last night (I did 10 light rounds), I had my butt kicked tonight on session B. Twenty minutes after finishing, I am finally cooling off and not feeling like I just got out of a hot shower 😛 I am finding the lunge and dragon lift the most challenging. I’ve had to choke up on the clubbell to complete even reduced sets on the lunge – but I’ll just keep working at it to get better.

    • s. says:

      “Twenty minutes after finishing, I am finally cooling off and not feeling like I just got out of a hot shower”

      Haha! Right on Brent. And nothing wrong with choking up. Always important to adjust as needed to ensure we get best technique first. Then ramp up from there (rather than trying the other way around, which is actually most common).

      Continue to make that priority and you WILL get better and at a faster pace to boot.

  • Scott Burden says:

    Ah Shane, once again I’m the guy driving your program along side a running program.
    I’m coaching a half Marathon group and on the 21st I will be compeating in a Duathlon 2.8k sprint 40K Bike ending with a 10K run.
    I will keep you posted on how it all works.
    Monday was workout a today speed work tomorrow workout b in the morning mod. Then easy run at night with group. Thursday rest Friday last workput of the week.


    • s. says:

      Great to hear Scott. Look at that. Now you’re leading running groups! Congrats my man. Yes, please keep me posted. Would love to hear how it works out for you.

      Sched looks good. You’ve been doing these really consistently now for long enough that you’ll be starting to be able to feel when it’s too much or not enough. Keep an extra sensitive “ear to the ground”. If you feel yourself starting to dip energy wise, take one of your workout days off and substitute it for a recovery day. Then on your next workout day, pick up where you left off. If you are still feeling a bit taxed, you can make all your workouts Mods until your race is done. And I say this not because I don’t think you can do it. I know you can. : ) But because of the overall volume performed in this first month. A little different than what you’ve been doing. Last thing we want is for you to be tapped out for the Duathlon.

    • Scott Burden says:

      Thanks for the words Shane!

  • chris99 says:

    Hi Shane, great post today. that is exactly what happened! yesterday i thought “maybe i could add a little something to this routine”. today, came home from work, went outside to workout, came back in and my wife said “hey, you’re really sweating today!” so i think i’ll just follow the program as is! thanks for the fun motivation.
    keep you posted.

    • s. says:

      Haha… Chris, as I mentioned, that thought process is not uncommon, so you are not alone my man. Looking forward to hearing how the rest of the program goes for you!

  • Wintanclan says:

    Shane, you assembled a nice support group for your effort (online, but in particular alos offline!)

    So day 2, cycle B in the morning.
    Thorough warm up is never a problem, as I can do that next to, and to the amusement of the little guy.
    The actual rounds of the cycle are more difficult to keep up. My wife watches me from under the sheets and tells me she has a better idea what to do with all the extra energy I seem to be having (and it sure was not what I hoped for 🙂 ). In the end I bargained to get 7 rounds in between diaper changes, and the usual coffee and formula requests. So in the spirit of Shane’s post yesterday, my wife and kid really help with me not overdoing things…

    RPT 6-7 (some work to do on the coordination with the lunge components). RPE 8 (with the restrictions mentioned above I get extra breaks but also grab the highest weights I can handle. Plus I always seem to end up doing 6 big wheels each side. Shane, you drilled me to cont to 6, after all).

    • s. says:

      We certainly have a good group here I think. A good start at least. ; )

      “My wife watches me from under the sheets and tells me she has a better idea what to do with all the extra energy I seem to be having (and it sure was not what I hoped for)”

      I wonder if those are only things we as guys hope for, haha. 7 rounds is a good bargain. We always have before us an optimal standard to which we strive to achieve. And then life gets to put in it’s two cents. We find the balance between the two and build from there.

      It can be really hard for those around sometimes, when we make these efforts to take things “up a notch” for ourselves (which in the long run, is always better for everyone around us). It has nothing to do with us making the wrong choice or being selfish. It has nothing to do with them being “mean” or unsupportive. It’s always because they want to do the same (no matter how unconscious or deeply buried it may seem).

      I’m not saying your wife is that person (this could be an ongoing joke for you guys ), but what you were saying raises a very good and valid scenario that alot of people run into… initially. Something I’ve noted that can be particularly strong coming from mothers of new infants. And with good reason. That kid, in the early years, draws so much from them, it can be difficult finding that space where they feel they can do what they need for themselves. Not even a matter of desire, but just energy. (Ladies who are reading this, chime in with your thoughts)

      It is in fact through our commitment, perseverance and diligence, that we start to create a shift not only in ourselves but in the initial attitude of those around us, that appears to be outwardly negative to our efforts.

      Not to mention what a gift that is to your child. I’ve been right there with you, workouts taking 2 hrs to get through because I’m getting a meal ready or changing diapers or cleaning up a mess or staving off a disaster. But stick with it. Find the balance that has you attending to what you need to attend to, life wise, and getting in your “vehicle” that’s going to help enhance it. Your wee one will be exposed, consistently, to a habit and an outlook that will stay with them for the rest of their lives, proving to be one of their most valuable tools as they step out and make their mark on the world.

      If you are doing, less sets, then yes, you are right to go heavier to hit your varying intensities on the given day. If we have the weights available, we want to hit the upper end of the required sets with as heavy a weight as we can manage (for this first month).

      “Plus I always seem to end up doing 6 big wheels each side. Shane, you drilled me to cont to 6, after all).”

      That’s okay. As long as you are good with it. That was how I originally had it counted, but after going through it with the Beta Testers, I changed it, since as a whole, it was smoking their shoulders.

  • Wintanclan says:

    Hah Shane,

    thank you for your wise and well chosen comments. In particular with respect to what recent mothers have to go through you hit the nail on the head perfectly. Feeling not “not allowed” to take care of your own needs because of the huge amount of attention required by a new child is exactly how my wife feels (- while I have the privilege to eventually walk out of the door to begin my workday…). Letting her sleep in and providing coffee becomes all important, while remaining merely a gesture of good will…

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