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Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • Wintanclan says:

    Due to yet another quirk in my scheduling this is only my second last day of clubbells for the Train with Shane® month. Felt great and so (with the exception of the overhead roll and the shoulder casts) I completed my rounds with the 35 lb for the first time.
    Yay, progress! RPE8 RPT7 And clubbells are just so much fun!

    However, (while I don’t hate it at all) I’m guilty of too often skipping my yoga/release. So just don’t remind me that I chose “diligence” as a quality for this month…

    • s. says:

      “Felt great and so (with the exception of the overhead roll and the shoulder casts) I completed my rounds with the 35 lb for the first time.”

      WhooHooo!! Nice Winfired. That’s great. That’s exactly what it is, progress. One day at a time, weight at a time, one set at a time, one rep at a time. Because that’s all it takes… is one. : )

      “…just don’t remind me that I chose “diligence” as a quality for this month…”

      HAHA! I don’t have to my man. I don’t have to. ;D

      With regards to the Quality we choose, I’ll take a bit to reflect on it and it’s correlation with the last month. See how it felt, how it aligned with the process. Sometimes it’ll feel dead on and like it’s time to move on to the next one. Sometimes it will feel like the one, but that I need more time with it, continuing the focus as I move into the next cycle. And sometimes, I’ll realize that wasn’t the one I REALLY needed to focus on at this time. It’s not that I was wrong in choosing it, rather it ended up being the first clue, taking me one step closer to the one that will truly connect. It’s all a process of refinement, like the exercise itself.

      Have a great last Clubbell session!

      • Wintanclan says:

        Thanks Shane,

        I did indeed have a super last clubbell session (B-hi).
        Maybe anticipating a bit what’s to come in the next month increasing time under tension I started to do the occasional “superset” – i.e. twice the amount of repetitions of each exercise.
        Not to brag, but rather for practical reasons: “Just 3 more rounds, hun!” seems to go over better than “Sure, in a minute hun, I’ll just need to do uh 6 more rounds…”

        • s. says:

          That’s great my man. One of the great advantages of using training resources that help develop that awareness of what we can handle and where we can crank it up, with an understanding of why and what it’s being geared towards, is such a huge advantage in then being able to make the types of adjustments you’ve made. Well accounted for and worth while going into the next round if the time and energy are available to do so.

          Here’s to month 2!

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