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Alright, feeling good. CBME. Mod. I’ll go lighter, but still go right to the end.

Whhoooo… feeling this one. Don’t feel like I have quite the same “kick” as the other day and I’m going lighter.
That’s okay, I’ll still get to the end. If I did the other day heavier, then this should be a Moderate effort.

Shane, looks like that’s it for me. I’ll finish up this round up and I’m done.
I can feel it coming on already. Anymore and I’ll be going into Hi Intensity.

Tougher than I thought today, wow. One more. I can get one more round in… which is why I have to stop.
I COULD do another round, if I want to rob myself. If I want to divest myself of all I could gain tomorrow.

Trust. It doesn’t have to be crazy everyday.
Trust. Give the time. Trust. Give the space.
Trust. Leave some breathing room and it will be filled with more than you could ever imagine.

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.

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  • Brent Toon says:

    Stopped tonight at 6 rounds, was starting to lose control of the clubs at the end of the round. Funny though, tonight after round one I fell into a rhythm and the rounds flowed along beautifully. I stayed hydrated (had to at 36C with humidity) and I know that helped. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter with thundershowers – should be interesting. The shoulder cast is my weakest part of the moderate round, but it seemed a little cleaner tonight.

    • s. says:

      Great Brent. One of the benefits of training with Clubbells. When the technique starts to go, you can tell much sooner than with other pieces of equipment and especially bodyweight. It just feels that much more off. And if we chose to ignore it, wouldn’t take long for us to get hurt. Helps us do less volume with poor form.

      And yes, once the body starts to engage with improved structure, it actually does get smoother (until fatigue really kicks in near the end). Happens to me every time. I’ll feel stronger round 6 or 7 then I would round 2 or 3.

      Keep up the great work. Shoulder cast will continue to get better, no doubt. A very tough range initially for many of us, due to the general trashed condition our shoulders are in.

  • chris99 says:

    Great post today, perfect for the end of the work week. got home, went outside and did the workout. could have done a little more, but left a little something for tomorrow. thunder showers and a high intensity day, i trust it will be a terrific saturday!

    • s. says:

      Right on Chris! One of the nice things about the Mod days, and just pulling in the reins that tad, is it leaves us buzzing a bit, with that extra energy, giving a great boost into the rest of the day (or setting up for a great weekend).

  • Scott Burden says:
    Here’s a link of my day 5!

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