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Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.

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  • Brent Toon says:

    The heat didn’t help out yesterday – I couldn’t get past four rounds before I nearly hit myself in the head racking a club. I decided that was a good time to stop. I hydrated well, but I should have gotten up early and worked out before it started warming up.

    • s. says:

      Aaah, bummer! Certainly don’t feel discouraged though. Because the over-arching demands on our energy don’t come from our workouts alone. It’s an accumulation of everything going on around us throughout our day and night.

      And days like this happen. You are continuing to refine your intuitive gauge to where your body and system is at. That’s why it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about balancing where we are on a given day with the numbers, and progressing forward from there.

  • Christo Yssel says:

    Hi Shane,
    with the torch press, flag press and shield cast to you switch hands and do a total of 12 reps for each round or do you alernate hands on the rounds and only do 6 reps?

    • s. says:

      Christo, for torch and flag, as described in the manual, it’s a total of 6 with the switch in between. Shield is 6 per side. Unless you have a lighter weight (and nothing heavier to move up to at the moment) and your form is perfect, and you’re getting in all the rounds, then you can increase the reps to remain challenged.

  • chris99 says:

    Good Morning Shane, great post!
    spot on on training advice, thank you.
    could have done more on friday, but glad to have something left for a high intensity saturday.
    i am noticing that some of holding back for me involves adapting to the circular multiplane aspects of clubbell training. mostly i am used to linear movements with restistance training taking a muscle or group through a single plane/origin insertion range of motion. this last week for me has also been about the learning about the clubbell exercises and multi plane motions, having never used these amazing tools before! great dance at the end, that is exactly how i felt after the 10th set!
    have a great week.

    • s. says:

      Thanks Chris. Glad it connected. And welcome to training with Clubbells!! One of my favourite tools to work with, not to mention fulfills a very important component in the process to our daring to evolve.

      And you are right to take the time to open the body up to these greater ranges of motion we are training in. Technique is always priority. Holding back to attend to that is priority. If one were really bound up and “un-coordinated” from years of disuse, requiring alot of time to awaken the body to moving as we do here, going the entire 3 months of the program, with only a pair of 5’s, at moderate the entire way, would benefit.

      The fact is, if we allow ourselves to do so, we will actually progress much faster.

      Good on you for getting all your sets in… and even better that you were feeling good at the end of it all!

  • Wintanclan says:

    This morning was great,
    I got all 10 cycle A rounds in + warmup and cooldown. Somehow I felt RPT go up and RPE go down with each round. Yeah, one of those rare days when you feel like the incredible hulk (just less green and decidely less brawn). Swinging a heavy club around your head does help that feel!

    Also, I have “fallen behind” one day, as I have traveling by plane Fri – Sun (sans clubbell).
    I see that they advertise the new TACFIT clubbells as more “travel friendly”.
    OK. Let’s see what happens when I present clubbell and toothbrush as my hand luggage on my next trip…

    • s. says:

      Right on my man. It always feels great when we feel that surge, that strength, that “RRRrrrr!!”. As we continue to refine the balance between our work and recovery, we continue to get more and more of those days successfully. A real bonus and boost in driving us forward.

      No problem on “falling behind”. It happens. Quite normal actually. It’s rare that I myself will be able to get in every single day, as pre-scheduled, by the book. Life happens and we flow with what we are given to the best of our ability. Whenever that happens, just pick up where you left off.

      With regards to the TACFIT Clubbells, yes, due to their smaller design (for the same weight), they are meant to be more travel friendly. Though 15 lbs is still 15 lbs no matter how big or small. As long as you have the available weight capacity to bring them with you, then awesome idea. Because as hand luggage… haha, yeeeeaaahhh. I could see that going over well. ; )

      That’s where when you travel, you take advantage of some really thorough recovery or have a body weight routine you can bring with you if it’s for more than 3-4 days. Another great option is doing the workout “light”. Bring a single 5 lbs and still go through all the movements of CBME with that weight. It’s a form of active recovery while still training the movements. A popular method of old time lifters. They’d train super heavy one day, maxing out completely. Then the next day do the same workout but with only the lightest weight.

      Then there’s always Hurricane Healing Mobility during travel. : ) Lots of options to take advantage of.
      Keep up the great work!

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