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Maintaining sustainable energy levels has become somewhat of a mystery to many of us.

We’re over-stimulated by what is becoming a highly technological age. Yet in the bigger scheme of things, it is still new enough to us that it remains somewhat novel. We haven’t tipped the scales back the other way yet to find a greater degree of balance. What that gives us the ability to accomplish (meaningful or not) in such a short period of time, feeds a sense of “being productive.” Yet hours and hours are drained away being “busy” and not really getting anywhere, leaving many of us feeling (often unconsciously) unfulfilled.

So we stay plugged in. It’s so easy and  it gives us instant feedback. An instant sense of  “Hey, I got something done.”

But it also leaves us overly stimulated. Because we don’t get that fulfillment of meaningful steps towards greater growth, we keep pushing that boundary looking for it. We start into this loop of:

– doing so much “busy” work

– or we spend hours jumping from one task/chore/point of interest/distraction as we procrastinate getting what really needs to get done

– or are unable to unwind and shutdown, while in the end not getting anything meaningful out of it.

Imagine you are on a hamster wheel. And just within reach is a special treat that will truly nourish you. You run faster and faster. You are certainly doing alot to try and get it, but you still can reach it. That would certainly tire you out wouldn’t it?

Then we need to start turning to stimulants (caffeine/sugar/nicotine/etc) to keep us awake the next day. But we don’t really get a sense of movement towards the meaningful and so… This cycle just spirals deeper and deeper and deeper, leaving us feeling exhausted, but unable to actually shut down enough to truly rest, so that we might come back the next day with gusto.

Starting up a fitness or training program, however, something that has you physically moving and working, can flip the switch.

Working out the tension in the muscles, getting the blood flowing, releasing stagnation and flushing out toxins that have become trapped. Calling on the body’s functions as it is meant to operate. Resetting as such though, doesn’t come without a transition period. Systems need to be overhauled (especially if it’s been a long time). Resources to do so, need to be re-instated. All of which can take it out of us the first bit. That’s why we allow for the transition period, and ease our way through it, so as not to overload the system and cause it to crash, making the re-boot that much harder on the second attempt.

If you’ve been feeling tired and worn out through this initial start up period, that’s okay. THAT… is a good thing. Because it’s forcing you to shut down. It’s providing you the opportunity to shut down and unplug. Shut down enough to allow an energy to unleash that hasn’t perhaps been unleashed in some time.

You know that with each session of the Clubbell Mass Evolution, you are accomplishing a meaningful endeavour. You are fulfilling meaningful steps towards a greater driving motivation. You are feeding that sense of purposeful action which will propel you to more.

Embrace the transition and hang on for the ride to follow.
I’ve been feeling happily wiped at the end of each day. Even took a nap the other afternoon.
Just started feeling the surge today. Systems are powering up, resources getting allocated.

Dare To Evolve,

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.

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