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Helloooo Ladies and Gents! Our journey with Clubbel Mass Evolution begins now.

I wanted to let everyone know ahead of time (as we have many of you coming from different time zones), that my posts will be up by around noon Pacific Standard time, if you are coming by to see if the new day’s notes are up yet. Except Saturdays which won’t come until the evening. You can also Subscribe for automatic updates whenever a new post is up, via the RSS feed or email (just over in the right hand column there).

Intro vid below…

Dare To Evolve!

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.

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  • Scott Burden says:

    Looking forward to the next few weeks, I started workout 1 this morning. I felt great RPT was 7-8.
    RPE towards the end was starting to climb. But stayed strong in all 10 rounds!

    • s. says:

      Right on Scott! Yeah, watch that Mod day. Too high and we pull too much away from the opportunity to go further with our actual Hi day. : )

      First week is always tough, because we are getting a feel for where our upper edge is. But now you will have a better sense and know where to curtail it. Use that rpe/rpd/rpt relationship to toggle it according to the given intensity and then build from there.

      I have no doubt you are going to rock this one as you have the last few!

    • Scott Burden says:

      If its not to late please count me in for the draw. I will be following the 4×7 schedule and the quality i will be working on is Mindfulness. in actions movement speach.
      Doing a Tough Mudder in August so I’m hopping to get that complete condioning to prepare.

  • Brent Toon says:

    Had a great start (I think I may be in for a long day at work tomorrow after this workout). I am going to follow the 4×7 schedule, working on my perseverance. I am hoping that by the end of the 4 weeks I will have greatly improved my strength base, and tighten up my midsection.
    I completed the moderate intensity round tonight, feeling like my conditioning/strength was fading in the last three rounds. I will be hydrating better tomorrow (didn’t stop for a drink until round 5 duh).

    • s. says:

      Glad to have you on board Brent!
      Alright, perseverance it is. You’ve got a vision of what you would like out of this. I’m looking forward to hearing how it turns out. We’re all here to support you as you do.

      Yes, keep the hydration going well before and leading up to the session. Makes a huge difference. And as you will see with the Day 1 post, it’s okay (in fact good) to take that foot off the gas just a bit in the beginning. Warm-up. Get the groove. We don’t want to find our selves wiped out from going too hard only being one week in.

      Keep up the great work!

  • Wintanclan says:

    Hi Shane, Scott and Brent,

    Here’s my (only relatively) late entry from the Middle European Timezone. First thing in the morning is when I can work out, and I feel it gives me quite the energy boost for the whole day.

    I’ll go for 4×7 and the quality I focus on for this month is diligence.

    I have so far been ‘swinging’ with Shane’s CBHE, and in recent months with Scott Sonnon’s KOC routines. So far I have only dabbled with CBME and CBFE, so I’m looking forward to our joint month of CBME.

    With our 9 month old watching intently, I a good start using the wonderful CBHE Spiderman mobility routine for warm up (Hope that’s OK, as it will be hard to convince me to switch to something else :). Then went for my cycle A rounds.
    After round five my wife started to demand coffee and the little one his formula (and the latter at least cannot safely be ignored). So that abruptly concluded my workout. RPT 6-7, RPE 6. Maybe tonight I’ll get a chance to finish the rest? I’ll let you know.

    • s. says:

      Great to have you with us Winfried!

      Good on you for finding that optimal time of day to train (even when we feel might not necessarily be an “optimal” at the moment). And for the majority of people, even if one isn’t a “morning person”, morning is the best time to get it in. Because it is the time we have the least going on “inside”. And getting it done right off the bat increases our chances significantly of getting it done.

      Another real advantage is having brought the quality you are focusing on for this time, to mind right at the begining of your day, helps anchor it for you for the rest of the day to come, translating that energy into the workout into benefiting in daily life.

      Yeah, Spiderman mobility works a’ight. ; )
      Splitting the workout in half, to get half done in the morning half in the night is certainly an option. It will change the effects of the program a tad, but still very beneficial. If it’s something that makes it workable for you to get all the volume in.

      Working in, around and with family is something close to my heart and an art to finding a balance with. But well worth the effort. Good on you for finding a way.

  • Scott Burden says:

    I love using Spiderman mobility, pop it in and follow allong. I did it this morning!


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