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Here at Dare To Evolve, there is no lack of heart.

The very mission here is to provide the means and support to connect to the essence of who we are. To evolve beyond our current state and sense of self, moving ever closer to the true potential we have latent within. To unleash each our unique gifts, that all may benefit. To discover and reveal our inestimable value that the world so desperately needs.

And it starts at the Heart.

Then of course propelled with practical feet through deliberate action. But if the commitment to constantly seek it out, breaking down the walls and shrouds around us in our effort to do so, is not there, it makes much of the action taken, less… effective. Makes for more wandering back and forth searching for the connection that feels right, which lends itself to feeling lost and aimless, instead of steadily moving towards a goal with meaning. Not that it’s about the end goal. If we do it right, we will never actually get there. Rather it’s about improving the quality of the journey, for that is where true fulfillment comes from. Achieving goals along the way are more like the nods that we are moving in the right direction.

Putting a conscious effort to remain aware of the discoveries to be made through the process, however, creates a purposeful snow ball effect that grows with every action taken. Listening to the nudges and pokes we feel deep in our gut, towards certain action. Those nudges and pokes, you know, the crazy whims and ideas we get that we generally think “Naaah. I could never do that. It would serve no purpose. It’s silly. No one will value it. Who am I to think I could make that happen?”, are in fact the sign posts along the way. The heart of who you are saying “Yo! Come on. Lets ROCK this joint!” And rock it only as you can.

Now it’s great if we can talk the good talk. But unless we follow it with the walk, it’s merely flash and pizzaz sitting on a foundation of sand… with the rising tide of the ocean near by… and little kids with shovels… and, well, you get the idea.

Along this journey of mine, I have had the blessing of coming across Circular Strength Training (CST) and RMAX International, its creator Scott Sonnon and all the coaches, teammates and amazing community along the way. Since coming in contact 4 years ago, I have poured everything in to learning from, growing with, contributing to and passing it on to others.

Of all I have gained and am thankful for from being a part of it, there are 3 gifts I have received that are of the greatest significance:

  1. The friendship and support of an incredible community of like minded individuals, inspired by the passion they hold and the connections made that will hold for a lifetime.
  2. Learning the system of CST, whose foundational principles are the template from which I develop the physical side of the vehicles I provide here at Dare To Evolve to unveil the essence of who you are and the immensity of the unique gifts you have to offer the world around you.
  3. And last but not least, it provided the right environment for me, that I wouldn’t have found anywhere else, to allow Dare To Evolve (formerly Gymnos Evolution) to incubate as I continued to flesh out and discover it for what it is.

Over these last few years I have been able to give back, in gratitude, in ever expanding capacity. Over the last year, I had the opportunity to serve on RMAX International’s Board of Directors, as the National representative for CST and TACFIT in Canada. It was an honor to be able to do so. Compounded by my sincere affection for the CST/TACFIT community and my desire to continue giving back, giving others what I had received in turn along the way, it made my recent decision very difficult. The decision to adjust my role, to step down and resign as Director for Canada.

“If you love it so much Shane, why step down?” Because of exactly what we spoke about at the beginning of all this. Heart.

I have come to the point where the demands of Dare To Evolve, which continues to grow, are drawing ever increasing amounts of time and energy. The demands of serving in the role of Director for RMAX are also just as extensive. Upon reflection, I realized the maximized potential of what could be done with each, was not being met. Trying to do both (with the variance in specific focus) , I could only do half for each, dampening the effectiveness of my service to my fellow mankind. It is an injustice to RMAX and the community, when there could be someone in that position, pushing and driving it to the very extent of its capacity, thus all the immense benefits which come with that. And it is an injustice to those that Dare To Evolve is meant to serve, through what is meant to be offered here.

Dare To Evolve is the calling from the core, from the heart. The fire in the gut which keeps nudging and poking me to strive to unearth that which is driving to push its way forth. That cannot be ignored. It’s not about choosing one over the other. It is about being true to what you are meant to unleash in your life, the gifts that are meant to be shared for the benefit of all. Ironically, choosing to listen to the honesty laying at the essence of who you are, despite the friction and challenges that come as a result, ends up being of the greatest benefit to all.

It is not always black and white. It is not always obvious. It is never easy. Sometimes it comes in the form of “choosing” between things you are both passionate about and care very much for. But if your answer is sincere, always to the call coming from the heart of who you are, it is right. For a True Heart… is the Best Heart.

Dare To Evolve,

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • Scott Burden says:

    Best of luck on your new direction.
    I enjoy you blogs videos and programs and look forward to the future of Dare To Evolve.
    You have my respect and support,

    Scott Burden.

  • Kevin Dougherty says:

    Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.
    Matsuo Basho
    And that’s where you need to be Shane, ‘home’. That place where you can melt into and let yourself go as if you are a farmer whose hard-work day is tendered by a slipped-into daily routine. And giving yourself whole, that daily routine whole, to a love and task (Dare to Evolve) that you dreamed into fruition needs that 100% ‘farmer’ commitment. I hope and support the best for you in this transition (when it all comes down to the nitty-gritty, you’re a recent pops and being home in a good state of mine is a blessing for children and you). For me, a CST/Tacfit Rmax child of awe, you were/are an inspiration and a damn fine ambassador. God speed this next passage of your life! Kick ass!

  • Crushed! I was looking forward to meeting you this upcoming weekend. I guess it will have to wait for another day.

    I have no doubt that your new journey will be successful judging by the caliber of material you give to all of us, your fans.

    Good Luck and much respect,

  • Guy Murray says:

    Good luck with Dare to Evolve, your candour honesty openness and willingness to “put yourself out there” have helped me tremendously over the last few years. Look forward to following your evolution.
    Reminds me I have been meaning to order a shirt from you.. off to the shop I go

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