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Night artYou are already a masterpiece. The rest of the world just needs to see it.

When an artist is creating a work of art, there seems to be two primary approaches to doing so or variation thereof. The first is with a specific vision in mind and forging ahead in a deliberate manner to bring that creation to fruition. The second is more of the discovery through the creation process, not knowing what the result will be, only that a masterpiece lies within and you must begin.

Which approach do you jive with? Not just ideally, but truly. Take a moment to reflect on it. Often the process is associated with the outcome. We see those who achieve “great things” and refer to how they got there as the road map to achieving it. Which is good. We’d be seriously limiting ourselves if we felt we could get there completely on our own. Where the hitch comes in is when we try to mirror that exact process. For some, it will be really close to their own and thus bring them a long way. But for the majority of us, it won’t, causing us to run contrary to our natural instincts and  making forward progress feel like swimming in molasses.

Michelangelo_DavidWith a greater understanding of our process, we can pull the useful tools and strategies from the journey of those who succeed and use them to augment our own.

So if you misstep, fall or fail in your attempts to “create great works” with your life,  don’t simply write off what you have to offer as inept, inadequate or valueless.  Maybe you just need to reacquaint (or acquaint for the first time) yourself with the form through which your creations come to life.

There’s no such thing as an empty canvas or a formless stone. For the masterpiece already exists. Will you pick up the brush and uncover it for the world to share in it’s inspiration?

Dare To Evolve,

Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


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