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Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.


  • Richard says:

    What I find with most people is that age is the excuse for not being able to deal with the issues that life brings us. The tests and difficulties are the things that are supposed to make us better, but most people face them in a material way through alcohol, drugs, materialism, or others ways to release the stress that the issues bring up. While you get a temporary stress release when you drink a beer, it causes the long term stress build up in the body which then causes long term injuries. When you deal with the stress that life brings in a positive manner, then it releases new energy and you can do a lot of things more easily. For instance, age is such a huge advantage for me as a teacher because I have faced and dealt with so many problem situations. I think that people get old because they continue to deal with problems in the wrong way.

  • daretoevolve says:

    Words of insight from one who would know, as one of the youngest people I have the pleasure of knowing:).


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