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Recovery day today and taking time to absorb Trust.

We work to stimulate that which will help us grow. But the major growth  occurs in the spaces in between. In the recovery. Just as we need to keep the “work” going to continue the requisite stimulation, we need the continued recovery lest we find ourselves beginning to break down as a result from not. True both in life as it is in our physical exercise.

The closer we can get these dual processes to functioning simultaneously, the closer we are to that sweet spot. The spot where everything comes together, aligned to propel us forward to the heights of our greatest potential… in a seemingly effortless manner. A balance  easier said then done.

My natural tendency is to drive. Hard. Taking that time to ease up does not always come so easy. It takes an effort. And I’ve been driving rather hard for the last few years. While I certainly believe in taking time out for reflection and rest, I can find myself caught in the rhythm of “I can do it. I can take it to the next level. If I just work harder, I can get there. I’ll sacrifice my ‘day off’ to get this done.” And so on.  Part of the trap is continuing to be mindful and reflecting on the move. See, because we can certainly do that. There is certainly  benefit to doing that. But it doesn’t provide the opportunity for truly deep reflection. Reflection and rest doesn’t have to be sitting still in a quiet room with your eyes closed. It just needs to be the space that allows your mind and your heart to be at ease and wander. For me, that’s actually being out in nature on long hikes through the mountains, paddling on the ocean or working with my hands.


We need this, because it is in that space that we can connect to what lies at the heart of us. That “thing” that makes us who we are, is the strength of gifts, is the guiding force to the action we can take that will have the greatest impact in our lives and the lives of those around us. If we are constantly on the go, never giving what we take in and learn during that time, we never get to plug it in to the heart of us. Plugging all the new info and lessons learned is a major part of where the growth occurs. If we continually neglect to do so, we eventually  start to see diminishing returns.

Using up the battery to the camera with which we capture life in all it’s glory, without ever taking the time to plug back in and re-charge. Plugging back in to re-charge forces us to stop taking pictures for a bit. Which is a good thing. Because then it turns our focus to processing the pictures and sharing what we’ve captured with all those around us (which often inspires us, leaves us in awe and wonder).

So this last month, I have been very cognizant of taking that time. Of connecting to what’s at the heart. But it hasn’t been easy. It’s been a few years. And it wasn’t a matter of taking the weekend off. It’s requires it’s time. Just as in exercise, however much you train hard, the required recovery is due. All of it.

What has helped me get past the hump of feeling like I’m not doing enough, that I’m falling behind? Going through this training cycle of Clubbell Mass Evolution with all of you. Because it has served as that vehicle (as all the Clubbell Evolution programs are designed to do) to focusing and developing to a deeper level the Quality I needed most at this time: Trust.

Trusting in this process that must occur in order for me to continue growing, expanding my capacity and potential for all that I do and all that I bring. Allowing for the deeper reflection, trusting that it is exactly what I need to do more. Trusting that what I am doing right now is enough. Trust.

And it has been that focus and it’s direct connection to my training that has helped me keep it there, daily, everyday. Because the training is active. And when I weave into that action the focus of connecting to Trust, I anchor it in a way that it sticks with me, re-enforced each and every day with my exercise.

Going for more, by pushing less. Trusting more, recovering more, unleashing more.

Dare To Evolve!



Shane Heins

Shane Heins is the Director of Fitness Education at the Onnit Academy in Austin, Tx.

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