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The Advance

A Shane Heins Transformative Experience in Playa El Valle, Samana, Dominican Republic

Dates for 2025 Coming Soon!

This is not a retreat. It’s an intensive. It is directed and purposeful. At times it will be uncomfortable. And at others, challenging. But it will also provide a powerful space for support and the means to face it. Through the process provided you will be given the opportunity to melt resistance, smash obstacles, mine courage, transform patterns, fill with energy and find keys to open locked doors.


As the name denotes, this is about making a meaningful advance towards the next phase in your life and/or business. A phase you know you’ve been moving toward, are ready for, and yearning to step into.

Accommodations + Booking Options

Total cost for registration (depending on accommodation option chosen):


$3750 usd

$2000 usd

Single Bed in a Shared Room

*price does not include airfare

Tower Room

$4250 usd

$2500 usd

*$2300 usd per person for Shared Room

*price does not include airfare

Luxury Villa or Deluxe A-Frame

$4750 usd

$3000 usd

*$2600 usd per person for Shared Room

*price does not include airfare

The Advance price includes a $1750 usd DISCOUNT with only 18 spots available.

*This discount will decrease over the next 2 years until The Advance reaches full price.

What is included:

The cost to take part in this special, empowering multi-day experience includes:

  • All Accommodation + Meals for duration of stay in El Valle.
  • Designated transportation between Santo Domingo & El Valle.
  • The program + and all activities of the experience.
  • Transportation to/from activity locations.
  • New friends.
  • Profound life changes.

The Event

Over 8 days we will move through a guided 3-phased process of:


Deepen introspection of self.


Enhance meaningful interconnectivity with others.


Effectively express what you bring to the world.

One foot in front of the other…

… you will be taken through a specifically designed, principle based process for personal + professional growth. At times it could be: Uncomfortable, Challenging, or Overwhelming.

You may undoubtedly:

  • Feel exposed and vulnerable.
  • Need to call on extra reserves of strength and fortitude to show up and be present.
  • Need to embrace compassion & forgiveness.
  • Be called to release criticism & judgment.

With that however, you will also be:

  • Immersed in the raw vitalizing energy of mother nature.
  • Provided a powerful “container” of support to face the growth.
  • Surrounded by others going through the same experience.
  • Given the opportunity to step into your higher self waiting to be fulfilled.

This process is a reflection of that which works together to unveil the greatest potential expression you have to make in your life, for crisis & victory go hand in hand.

Deepening the harmony of these within, you will be able to:

  • Open up.
  • Dive deeper.
  • Explore and discover.
  • Be inspired & motivated.
  • Turn thought / intention / desire into action.

...and strengthen an expanding network of support beyond the container of the experience itself. Because none of us ever truly walk this path alone.

Sessions + activities include (but not limited to):

    • Intention setting / Reflection.
    • Period of absolute silence.
    • Period of fasting.
    • Breathwork / Meditation / Stillness.
    • Lots of walking.
    • Movement exploration sessions.
    • Water based activities.
    • Ecstatic Dance + Cacao activation.
    • Partner / Group Work sessions.
    • Breakouts / Brainstorm / Consultation / Collaboration.
    • Project Planning / Presentations.
    • Engaging directly with the potent vibrations of El Valle’s oceanside jungle environment (prepare to be outdoors the majority of the time).

What to Expect

Daily activities:

    • Begin early; before breakfast.
    • End later; after dinner.
    • With built in breaks throughout the day.
    • Meals will be prepared on location and consist of healthy delicious local ingredients.

To maximize presence of mind and availability of energy over the duration of 8 days, there will be no consumption of:

    • Alcohol or drugs (plant based or otherwise)
    • Marijuanna, tobacco or vape based consumables
    • Non-prescription medications (Aside from basics like ibuprofen or aspirin, any others discussed ahead of time.)
    • Caffeine (coffee or otherwise)
  • We will minimize the consumption of processed sugar as much as possible.
  • A guided 4 week plan will be provided at the end of March, to reduce and/or remove the consumption of the above. As a means to cleanse and prepare the body and mind prior to the start of The Advance. We want you to get the most out of your investment.
  • *Daily activities and sessions subject to change without notice.

Important Dates

The Advance 2025 dates coming soon!

Return Policy

Just in case!

We understand circumstances can change, and the potential for a need to cancel attendance arises. Therefore we offer a full refund, minus the $500 usd deposit, up to 30 days from the event start.

Because the event has been planned based on prior expectation, any cancellation after 30 days before the event, will result in no refund of any amount. However, your $500 usd deposit will be credited, once only, to the next offering of The Advance.

In the case of a major life event such as critical illness, death of friends or family, etc, contact us, and the possibility of full credit applied to the next offering of The Advance will be considered on a case by case basis.

If your attendance is interrupted due to a natural disaster, major weather event, pandemic, etc, your full registration fee and deposit will be credited to a future offering of The Advance. If the event is cancelled outright due to a natural disaster, major weather event, pandemic, etc, you have the option to receive a full refund or full credit to a future offering of The Advance.

More About The Advance…

“For the last 15 years I have been drawn to the idea of providing immersive, hands-on, multi-day experiences that expand awareness, deepen thought, propel action and foster community. On some level I’ve been able to do this through the development and delivery of the Onnit Fitness Certifications. Those were not the fullest expression of what I have been drawn to provide, however. But neither had it previously felt like the time to take that next bigger step.

Until now.

This last spring I had a very clear vision “rise to the surface” of my awareness and roll out before me. With the vision came what to do, how to do it, when to do it and most importantly, who to do it for. 

It is called “The Advance“. “

~ Shane Heins ~

This 8-night, 8-day immersive experience will hit a meaningful reset button and reignition of spirit as you build on all you’ve done to get here so far, while taking purposeful steps to advance the journey you are on towards greater fulfillment and expression.

The lush, beautiful jungles of Playa El Valle, Samana of the Dominican Republic will serve as your abode, your home during this time. Surrounded by the earth’s essential elements of air, water and earth, embraced by the energy of nature’s raw power and vitality, supported by people of sincere heart, where friends or even strangers quickly become like family.

We look forward to walking side by side with you through The Advance, each step taken unveiling that which is waiting to be discovered, connected to and galvanized into profound action. Steps that carry on beyond the special “container” this experience provides. That you may keep taking them throughout your life, supported by the lifelong bonds forged with those going through The Advance with you.

Join us this April to make the leap in life you are looking for, REGISTER NOW!

If you are interested in attending, but can’t make it this time, CONTACT US to be put on an interest list for future dates!